Product Testing and Certification

SDPPI Directive: Indonesia Enforces Expanded EMC Testing Standards for Telecommunications Devices

05. April 2024

Effective January 1, 2024, Indonesia’s Directorate General of Posts and Information Technology (SDPPI) enforced comprehensive EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) testing standards for all telecommunications devices entering the Indonesian market. This new regulation, in alignment with international norms, aims to uphold the safety and dependability of telecommunications equipment utilized in Indonesia.

Previously, SDPPI mandated only Radiated Emissions testing (30-1000 MHz and 1-6 GHz) for telecommunications devices. However, the recent mandate introduces two additional testing parameters: Conducted Emission at Main Port and Conducted Emission at the Telecommunication Port.

These modifications will lead to a slight increase in both testing duration and expenses for manufacturers and importers of telecommunications devices. Therefore, it is imperative for manufacturers and importers to ensure that all telecommunications devices intended for the Indonesian market meet the updated SDPPI EMC testing prerequisites before seeking certification.

More information:
Anja Jerovšek
Tel.: +386 1 4778 147

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