Occupational Health and Safety

Global Reporting Initiative


In recent years, socially responsible operations of organizations have become the main theme of the developed part of the global economy. Therefore, modern organizations build all aspects of social responsibility into their management systems.

The foundations of the social responsibility promotion in all the EU Member States were laid down in the Green Paper (Green Paper on Promoting a European Framework for CSR) of 2001 where corporate social responsibility is defined as “… the concept based on which the enterprises on a voluntary basis decide to contribute their share to better society and cleaner environment”. Today, consumers, shareholders and the financial community, employees, contractual partners, government and broader social community, non-governmental organizations, in short various stakeholders, require organizations to be responsible for their social and environmental impacts and to report on their operations in this field.

Globally, the GRI G4 international guidelines represent the most widely used sustainability reporting model. The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is an international, network-based non-profit organization that on a global scale promotes the development of the most widely used framework of reporting on sustainable development and the GRI Guidelines www.globalreporting.org.

Reporting is based on measurable indicators of the organization’s economic, social and environmental impact. They encourage organizations to understand the development strategy in a broader sense and that in addition to the goals in the field of financial operations, these organizations also set broader economic, environmental and social objectives. The Guidelines enable an organization to select the indicators in accordance with its own orientation of sustainable development.